Mark Zuckerberg publishes a terrifying, shocking and scary video

"We've made a short film" Never Lost, "to honor the solidarity and steadfastness of many people meeting together during this time," said Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO.

By stressing the importance of staying in touch with friends, family and society during the COVID-19 crisis, Facebook released a new movie that celebrates the ways people keep in touch amid our daily life being disrupted by the global epidemic.
A 90-second movie featuring real stories and user content from all over the world, including painful shots of various and separate places around the world, where cities turned into ghost cities after the spread of the virus caused people to leave the streets for fear of contracting the virus and to support the efforts of countries and the World Health Organization To face disease.

This creative work was carried out in cooperation with Droga5 and was released earlier yesterday morning on Facebook channels including Twitter and YouTube. "Besides Facebook, we are humble to honor the solidarity and resilience of many people who met during this time," Droga5 said in a statement.

The movie ends with the new Facebook Community Tool dedicated to Morona Virus (As of this writing, this page is only published in Australia, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States)

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